Saturday, February 9, 2008


As a Radiohead and Thom York fan myself, i would absolutely LOVE to see them live. But other Radiohead faithfuls who I've spoken too feel very differently. I talked to a friend of mine who said they were "sell outs" and he was less than pleased at their new methods of getting their music out to the fans. He said he saw a commercial promoting "In Rainbows" as the best reveiwed album of the year, and angrily insisted that they "don't understand" Radiohead.

He began to explain to me that he was not disapointed with "In Rainbow" individual songs, but the album as a whole. Each of Radioheads past albums have all shared a certain sound or unique genre. For example "The Bends" is almost alternative rockish, sounding entirely different than "Amnesiac," which sounds quite different from "Kid A." But each album had a style, and all the songs followed that style, he insisted. With "In Rainbows," each song could belong on a different album from the past.

As I listened to his testimony, I felt like i had a strange loyalty to Radiohead, and as if he was badmouthing one of my friends, I stood up for them. I said that maybe this will be their last album and they wanted a colaboration of the past, like a final paragraph in an essay. It served as a good album to sum up their accomplishments.

But we were basing our judgement on loose facts, and after reading "The Future According to Radiohead," by Mark Binelli, my mind was put as ease. Radiohead was still the same Radiohead, Thom York was still an oddball who takes his music so seriously that he went through a deep depression after the release of Kid A. According to the story, In Rainbows was a different kind of album from the start. So i put Jigsaw Falling Into Place (the one song that i never ever get sick of, even after listening to on repeat for hours) on my iTunes, sighed a breath of releif, and sent the feature to all the disapointed-fans I knew.


radioheaddicted said...

yeah radiohead rocks!

mfleming said...

Hey Kate,

To be 100% honest with you I know NOTHING about Radiohead but after that post I think I'll go listen to them and give it a shot. Sometimes that's part of the whole journalism thing, you open peoples eyes to things they most likely never would have stumbled upon without you writing about them. I really enjoy reading this...and no I'm not just saying that because it sounds nice :)

Hope you are having a good break!